HGIS Lublin is a website containing information about the history of the Lublin city and the region, which enables searching for information about people, events, places and sources. This information is presented on interactive maps, using historical cartographic sources.

We dedicate the service to our late colleague Tadeusz Przystojecki.

HGIS Lublin is a website containing information about the history of the Lublin city and the region, which enables searching for information about people, events, places and sources. This information is presented on interactive maps, using historical cartographic sources.

We dedicate the service to our late colleague Tadeusz Przystojecki.

NN Theatre
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Lublin, ul. Jateczna 36/4

Events (1)

Miejsce zamieszkania

BERGER Rywka - Miejsce zamieszkania: Lublin, ulica Jateczna 36/4

Informacja na podstawie karty pocztowej wysłanej do Żydowskiego Instytutu Naukowego JIWO w Wilnie:

Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas, fondas 287, apyrašas 13, byla 296, s. 34

Read more November 14, 1936

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