HGIS Lublin is a website containing information about the history of the Lublin city and the region, which enables searching for information about people, events, places and sources. This information is presented on interactive maps, using historical cartographic sources.

We dedicate the service to our late colleague Tadeusz Przystojecki.

HGIS Lublin is a website containing information about the history of the Lublin city and the region, which enables searching for information about people, events, places and sources. This information is presented on interactive maps, using historical cartographic sources.

We dedicate the service to our late colleague Tadeusz Przystojecki.

NN Theatre
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Dyna Flam-Grad nee Blumenberg and Ela Grad (in the middle), Josek Grad (in the second row, first from the left), Laja Obersztern z domu Flam-Grad (in the third row, second from the left)
Rodzina FLAM-GRAD; Dyna Flam-Grad z domu Blumenberg i Ela Grad (w środku), Josek Grad (w drugim rzędzie pierwszy z prawej), Laja Obersztern z domu Flam-Grad (w trzecim rzędzie druga od lewej)

“I am very grateful to my mother Ruth and grandmother Rosa for having saved these documents of our family history so that I can now share them with you"


