The idea of the Seminar poster was created by Robert Sawa, the artist and the printer form the Printing Chamber of the Grodzka Gate-NN Theatre Center. His work expresses the essence of the Seminar idea and focuses on the quote There is light, because there is memory. There is light, but not life
[Collapse]Working on the poster
Preparing the poster was in fact the cooperation between Leora Tec and Robert Sawa. To use the Hebrew letters Robert asked Leora Tec for help. Leora described this experience in her blog Searching for Lost Places Letter by Letter:
I don’t know why it was so gratifying—picking out the letters one by one to form the names of the streets and places that made up the landscape of my ancestors’ city—Lublin. Picking the letters out of an old typography box and then forming the names in Yiddish—backwards so that the visionary printer Robert Sawa could print them forwards. Forming names of streets that no longer exist. One that my great-great grandmother Nechama Borenszajn was born on— Nadstawna Street. One that my mother and grandmother were born on and many others were born, lived and worked on: Szeroka Street—an iconic street in Jewish Lublin.
Comments of the participants
Leora Tec about the poster
Memory workers from all over Europe coming to a Seminar we are holding at Brama will get a poster to take home but here in Lublin they will see the only poster with these streets embossed in the background—because they cannot take those streets with them. No one can because many don’t exist. Such a simple idea and yet someone had to think of it. That someone was Robert.
- Read Leora Tec's blog post about the poster on Bridge To Poland: Searching for Lost Places Letter by Letter
- Read Leora Tec's article in The Forward: An Echo of Jewish Lublin through Yiddish Fonts
Participants about the poster
I appreciate the symbolism behind every detail of the poster (fonts, the position of the letter and their sizes, material). And thank you for the souvenir, I will hang my poster in my office.
Lots of symbolism, it addresses not your intellect, but heart, soul. And I think it very much reflects the style of Grodzka Gate - not too many words, mystery that needs to be understood, uncovered.
It's beautiful and shows a great involvement and thinking process behind the poster that I wasn't aware of before, shows that everything has a meaning, fonts you use, the size of the fonts, empty spaces... Thank you!
It is a very powerful, emotional and intense poster which shows the whole seminar one one page. It was very impressive to learn that a craft like printing has so much content and depth to it. It fit perfectly to the whole seminar. I was very very moved.
A piece of art which will hang on my wall. Thank you Robert!
Minimalistic, ascetic, but at the same time very creative, expressive, deep and meaningful vision.
I am still speechless after seeing that poster. The whole idea beyond it is truly amazing. This, and Robert's other project we've seen are amazing. His imagination and technical skills are priceless.
Perfect work and wonderful conception of the poster. As a creative person and a craftsman I can imagine how much has been put into this artwork. Amazing!
I'm very grateful to the organizers and Robert Sava for the gifts that remained with us after the seminar. A book for notes :-) This is a book, one that you take and feel, that only something very important and valuable should be written there. A handmade poster will be a reminder. If there is light in the soul of a person, he will remember and pass on his knowledge and feelings to others. It will inspire us to continue the work we do even though we know that emptiness will never be filled.