The “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre in Lublin is a local government cultural institution. It works towards the preservation of cultural heritage and education. Its function is tied to the symbolic and historical meaning of the Centre’s location in the Grodzka Gate, which used to divide Lublin into its respective Christian and Jewish quarters, as well as to Lublin as a meeting place of cultures, traditions and religions.

The Centre works to preserve objects of cultural heritage and makes tchem available to the public at exhibits at Grodzka Gate, the Lublin Underground Trail, the Cellar under Fortuna, and the House of Words.

The “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre in Lublin is a local government cultural institution. It works towards the preservation of cultural heritage and education. Its function is tied to the symbolic and historical meaning of the Centre’s location in the Grodzka Gate, which used to divide Lublin into its respective Christian and Jewish quarters, as well as to Lublin as a meeting place of cultures, traditions and religions.

The Centre works to preserve objects of cultural heritage and makes tchem available to the public at exhibits at Grodzka Gate, the Lublin Underground Trail, the Cellar under Fortuna, and the House of Words.

NN Theatre


The Gate. Education and Animation Lab conducts educational activities related to the Jewish historical and cultural heritage of the city and the region of Lublin. They include issues connected to the Jewish life in Lublin from they arrival to Lublin until the outbreak of the war, extermination of Jews and post-war situation of reconstruction of Jewish life in Lublin.


Educational activitiesDirect link for this paragraph

CommemorationsDirect link for this paragraph

Permanent Activities, that is commemoration of important events related to the Jewish Lublin:

  • March, 16th – the liquidation of the Podzamcze ghetto
  • March, 24th – liquidation of the Jewish orphanage
  • April 19th – Letters to Henio

WorkshopsDirect link for this paragraph

  • Educational workshops for the students of middle and high schools, concerning Jewish heritage of the city and region of Lublin and the Extermination
  • Educational and integration workshops for Polish-Jewish groups, led during the Polish-Jewish youth meetings in the schools of Lublin

ExhibitionDirect link for this paragraph

  • Exhibitions concerning Jewish Lublin, presented in the space of the Grodzka Gate.

NN TheatreDirect link for this paragraph

  • Mysteries of Memory, para-theatrical events in the city space, extracting its forgotten meaning

ContactDirect link for this paragraph

The Grodzka Gate–NN Theatre Centre
Brama. Education & Animation Lab

21, Grodzka St.
20–112 Lublin
phone: +48  81 532 58 67
[email protected]

TeamDirect link for this paragraph

  • Teresa Klimowicz
  • Martyna Marczewska